- Open the Control Panel > Configuration Manager > ACTIONS tab or start in command prompt control smscfgrc and choose ACTIONS tab
- Click on Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle, click on “Run Now“, OK Continue reading “How to Force the SCCM Client and Software Center to Update using Configuration Manager”
How To Manually Initiate SCCM Client To Check And Install Updates
- Open Control Panel > Configuration Manager or start in command prompt control smscfgrc
- Choose the Actions tab. Continue reading “How To Manually Initiate SCCM Client To Check And Install Updates”
Add Unread mail to Favorites
- Open Microsoft Outlook and click with the right button of the mouse on the Search folders folder on the menu on the left. …
- Select Unread mail (selected by default) in the New search folder window and click on OK.
- The Unread mail folder appears in Search folders.
- Move Unread mail to Favorites using left mouse button
DNS cache
We have two types of DNS cache. One is client cache,used by local machine to resolve internet address. Second is server cache, used by DNS server to cache internet addresses which are not locally stored, but was recently requested by users. Continue reading “DNS cache”
Forwarders, conditional forwarders
In some cases that DNS cannot answer on DNS query – there are no such record on local server, we can forward query to some other local server. There are two reasons to forward queries on another server:
- We wish to minimize number of servers with connection to internet
- We wish to forward certain requests to some other DNS server, for example in case of merging two companies/networks
Install DNS with Windows Power Shell
There are two ways to install DNS on server, using Server Manager and using power shell command. Continue reading “Install DNS with Windows Power Shell”
How to Pin Useful Shortcuts to Taskbar, like Computer or Recycle Bin
2. In “Create Shortcut” wizard first enter the command from list:
- explorer shell:MyComputerFolder (for My Computer shortcut)
- explorer shell:RecycleBinFolder (for Recycle Bin shortcut)
- explorer shell:ControlPanelFolder (for Control Panel shortcut)
- explorer shell:Administrative Tools (for Administrative Tools shortcut)
- explorer shell:ChangeRemoveProgramsFolder (for Programs and Features shortcut)
- explorer shell:NetworkPlacesFolder (for Network shortcut)
- explorer shell:Favorites (for Favorites shortcut)
- explorer shell:HomegroupFolder (for Homegroup shortcut)
- explorer shell:Games (for Games shortcut)
- explorer shell:Fonts (for Fonts shortcut)
- explorer shell:UserProfiles (for Users folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:Profile (for your username folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:Public (for Public folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:My Documents (for Documents shortcut)
- explorer shell:Common Documents (for Public Documents shortcut)
- explorer shell:My Music (for Music folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:CommonMusic (for Public Music folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:My Pictures (for Pictures folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:CommonPictures (for Public Pictures folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:My Video (for Videos folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:CommonVideo (for Public Videos folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:Downloads (for Downloads folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:CommonDownloads (for Public Downloads folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:::{3080F90E-D7AD-11D9-BD98-0000947B0257} (for Flip 3D or Window Switcher shortcut)
- explorer “some network or local path to folder”
3. Finish wizard
4. Move shortcut to Taskbar
Enable NumLock on login to Windows 10
- Open regedit
- Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard
- Change InitialKeyboardIndicators value to 2
- Search for InitialKeyboardIndicators under HKEY_USERS and change it to 2
- Exit
- Shutdown (do not restart)
- Boot up windows
- On logon screen switch on numLock
- Do not login. Shut down windows using power button on login page
Instead of shutdown/wake up/shutdown/wake up process can be disabled Fast startup feature.
Windows FTP folder
How to open FTP in Windows explorer instead of Internet explorer? Continue reading “Windows FTP folder”
Shortcut to the FTP server
Creating shortcut to FTP server – connect using Windows explorer Continue reading “Shortcut to the FTP server”