Finding serial number of laptop/PC using command prompt

If the label of your computer is missing and the system will power up, you can easily find serial number of laptop/PC as it is written into the BIOS on the system board.

Command Prompt:

Run an elevated command prompt, Enter the command “wmic bios get serialnumber” (without the quotations).



  • Divide one physical network (1 switch and 6 PCs) in two separate virtual LANs
  • Ports 1 to 10, 21 and 23 should be in LAN 2
  • Ports 11 to 20 and 22 should be in LAN 2
  • Port 24 should remain in LAN 1
  • VLAN 2: PC1 – IP, Port 1; PC2 – IP, Port 3; PC3 – IP, Port 21
  • VLAN 3: PC4 – IP, Port 11;  PC5 – IP, Port 13;  PC6 – IP, Port 22


Continue reading “VLAN”

Enable secret

The Enable secret is used to allow security when an administrator is going from user mode to privileged mode, same as Enable password. It is used to protect privileged mode on equipment which is not physically secured. The Enable secret is an newer, encrypted command that should be in use instead of Enable password (password it is stored in startup-config file in encrypted form).

Continue reading “Enable secret”