All computers on same switch can have direct access each to other, they are part of same colision domain. It means that when one computer send broadcast message it reaches all computers connected on same switch or connected swiches not devided by router. Continue reading “VLAN”
Category: Uncategorized
User Account Control Popup
Continue reading “User Account Control Popup”
Windows Update Sharing – How to Disable to Share over Internet
Windows Update Sharing is a good idea, but… If you have more then one Windows 10 od 10 Pro computer, when one computer download update, it shares it with other computers and save your internet bandwith. Also, it shares downloads with other computers on Internet and consumes you bandwidth.
Windows Update Sharing is a good idea, but… If you have more then one Windows 10 od 10 Pro computer, when one computer download update, it shares it with other computers and save your internet bandwith. Also, it shares downloads with other computers on Internet and consumes you bandwidth. 🙁 And, by default, it is switched on. On Windows 10 Enterprise and Education it is by default switched off. Continue reading “Windows Update Sharing – How to Disable to Share over Internet”
Windows 10 – Disable Ads in Start Menu
Annoying behavior of Microsoft continues. Now they are putting Ads in Start Menu. It can be disabled on two ways. Continue reading “Windows 10 – Disable Ads in Start Menu”
Change windows product key after installation
Sometimes, from some reasons, we need to change product key when installation is already done. There are two ways: Continue reading “Change windows product key after installation”
Enable NumLock on logon screen
By default, Num Lock is disabled on startup. Many users have numbers in their passwords (usually is requested to have them in password), so it result sometime by locking of account. Continue reading “Enable NumLock on logon screen”
Passwords Stored Behind the Bullets or Asterisks
Sometime we need a password recovery tool that reveals the passwords stored behind the bullets in the standard password text-box of Windows operating system and Internet Explorer Web browser.

There is one. Continue reading “Passwords Stored Behind the Bullets or Asterisks”
Find / Recover your Windows Product Key
Sometimes there is need to newly install Windows OS. To do this task, we need Windows Product Key. But, where to find it? Continue reading “Find / Recover your Windows Product Key”
How to copy phone contacts to Google, SIM or phone?
Phone contacts for android phones are stored on SIM, phone or on Google. If you have more then one phone, best way to keep them updated is to date is to store them on Google account and connect all phones on one account. Continue reading “How to copy phone contacts to Google, SIM or phone?”