1. Right-click on Desktop and select “New -> Shortcut”
2. In “Create Shortcut” wizard first enter the command from list:
- explorer shell:MyComputerFolder (for My Computer shortcut)
- explorer shell:RecycleBinFolder (for Recycle Bin shortcut)
- explorer shell:ControlPanelFolder (for Control Panel shortcut)
- explorer shell:Administrative Tools (for Administrative Tools shortcut)
- explorer shell:ChangeRemoveProgramsFolder (for Programs and Features shortcut)
- explorer shell:NetworkPlacesFolder (for Network shortcut)
- explorer shell:Favorites (for Favorites shortcut)
- explorer shell:HomegroupFolder (for Homegroup shortcut)
- explorer shell:Games (for Games shortcut)
- explorer shell:Fonts (for Fonts shortcut)
- explorer shell:UserProfiles (for Users folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:Profile (for your username folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:Public (for Public folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:My Documents (for Documents shortcut)
- explorer shell:Common Documents (for Public Documents shortcut)
- explorer shell:My Music (for Music folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:CommonMusic (for Public Music folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:My Pictures (for Pictures folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:CommonPictures (for Public Pictures folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:My Video (for Videos folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:CommonVideo (for Public Videos folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:Downloads (for Downloads folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:CommonDownloads (for Public Downloads folder shortcut)
- explorer shell:::{3080F90E-D7AD-11D9-BD98-0000947B0257} (for Flip 3D or Window Switcher shortcut)
- explorer “some network or local path to folder”
3. Finish wizard
4. Move shortcut to Taskbar